Welcome to the Union Pacific Historical Society! Founded in 1984, … Read More

Dedicated to the preservation of the history of the Union Pacific Railroad
Welcome to the Union Pacific Historical Society! Founded in 1984, … Read More
The Union Pacifc Historical Society still has an immediate opening for a Volunteer Coordinator. This position serves the UPHS by encouraging members to volunteer their time and talent to serve on committees, help with annual conventions and more. The full job description can be found here.
If you are interested or have questions about this position please contact UPHS President Larry Tiffany at president@uphs.org .
The new, updated Union Pacific Historical Website (UPHS.org) was turned up on Friday, October 19th. Take a look around and let us know what you think.
The full set, all 38 volumes, of the Union Pacific Prototype Steam Locomotive books published by the Union Pacific Historical Society is now on sale for $380 plus shipping and handling. This is a savings of $380 from the original price! This series features UP steam locomotive photographs from the James L Ehernberger Collection. This offer is available now at the UPHS Company Store.