Hello again my fellow Union Pacific Historical Society members. I am sure many of you had some issues or concerns with UPHS and the board was aware of that fact. At our last board meeting the board voted to make changes in the officers of UPHS as our membership has dropped to about 1500 which is les than the Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific. I am back again for another stint as President, with George Luchs as your new Vice-President and Greg Gardner as your new Secretary with John Cazahous remaining as our treasurer. I made some minor tweaks to our committees, but nothing big other than Mark Entze resigning as our editor. Hopefully, you will like our new editor Dale Sanders who has been in this business for an exceptionally long time, and he is outstanding, and we are lucky to have him as our editor.
I hope some of you attended our online convention rather than travelling to California for an in-person convention in Perris CA. Rob Leachman did an excellent job putting together the online convention. We will have our next convention in Silvis IL with the convention hotel being in the Quad Cities. Looking at the work performed by their crew on the donated UP equipment should be a lot of fun. We are always looking for hosts for our upcoming conventions, so please do not be afraid to step up and volunteer. To those of you that donated to our recent fund-raising day for our endowment the $27K amount was very much appreciated and we will put it to effective use.
That is all for now, but we hope that you will like things that we are striving to improve on as we go forward into the future. Thank you for your support as a member and please feel free to reach out to the UPHS board members with thoughts and ideas you might have to make it even better!!!
Larry Tiffany
President UPHS
As always, I would be glad to hear your suggestions about how to improve the Society, just email me at president@uphs.org.