Please read carefully before you register.
There are two (2) ways to register for the 2015 joint C&NWHS and UPHS Omaha Convention.
1) You can sign up for a Full Convention Registration for a fee of $189. This option includes all activities* and meals from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning.
*It does not include the EXTRA FARE Bill Wimmer Museum event described below.
2) Your other option is the Weekend Registration. For a fee of $125, this option includes all activities and meals for Saturday and Sunday June 6th & 7th. See schedule for full list of activities.
* * * To sign up and reserve swap meet tables please click HERE. You can not reserve swap meet tables on the convention registration form * * *.
Please note: for spouses that select the Full Convention Registration, their fee includes the cost of the Friday women’s bus tour. The spouse must indicate on the registration form that they are going on the women’s tour as seating is limited.
If the spouse does not select the Full Convention Registration, there is also an opportunity to sign up separately for the women’s bus tour. That cost is $40.
There are no costs associated with the other women’s activities during the Convention. This includes the women’s activity room at the hotel and the Sunday garden open house.
A La Carte Meals
For spouse and family members attending with a registered (Full or Weekend) member, those persons can purchase specific meals on an A La Carte basis. An example would be a spouse who just plans to attend the banquet.
Extra Fare Registration
There is one convention event that is not included in the Full Convention Registration. This is the rare tour on Thursday morning June 4th of Bill Wimmer’s personal railroad museum. There are three departing times for this event and will be limited to the first 114 people who register. The cost is $16 and includes the bus transportation to the Wimmer Museum.
NOTE: The convention registration table will open up at 8:00 am on Thursday and the convention will officially start with presentations that afternoon.
There are two ways to complete your registration form.
Please click here to get to the MANUAL registration form. Print the form out and fill in the information by hand. When you are finished mail it, along with your payment (credit card or check), to the convention registrar, Rip Rice. His mailing address is listed on the registration form.
Please click here to get to the FILLABLE registration form. Then move your mouse to the lower right hand corner and click on the “save” icon, name the file and save the fillable form to your computer. Then close the fillable form from the website by clicking on the back (left hand) arrow. Use your computer keyboard to fill out the form you named and saved by typing in the blue highlighted area on the PDF form. Fill and click once to make your entry. Please note that the form will auto total your registration fees as you fill it out. When you are finished, please re-save the form to your computer, print it out and mail it, along with your payment (credit card or check), to the convention registrar, Rip Rice. His mailing address is listed on the registration form. NOTE: With either option, if you are a member of both Societies it is very important that you note that on your registration form. A sample registration form is illustrated below.