To study current and potential future conditions and develop a long range plan to ensure future viability and growth for the Union Pacific Historical Society. This is an on-going committee.
Committee Members:
- Andy Kirol – Chairperson
- Ron Brozanic
- Marc Entze
- Rob Leachman
- Jim Senese
July 16, 2013
Committee members: Andy Kirol (chair), Marc Entze.
The decision was made not to advertise in the current issue of Classic Trains due to temporary saturation of that audience. The committee proposes that more 1/6 page ads be placed in the near future. The timing, content, and scope of these ads will be determined by the new books and other products that are available. Advertising directed at increasing membership will also continue in Classic Trains after a brief hiatus.
Other future magazine and internet advertising will be determined by what products we have available. The committee will also explore other advertising venues.
The committee believes that the UPHS should make a greater effort to track the effectiveness of our advertising. One possible way to do this would be to tag certain ads with a code that can be placed in the remarks section when ordering. This is now a more viable option with the redesigned website.
Work has been completed to revise the membership brochures and the artwork was updated to reflect current membership and Company Store prices. The design of the brochure has been updated for better display in the standard vertical racks at museums, gift shops, and other public displays.
• Advertising with Classic Trains should be resumed by Christmas 2013 at the latest.
• Updated Membership brochure should be widely distributed and a PDF copy placed on the UPHS web site for members to self print and pass to friends etc.
• Review of all UPHS forms to update and revise as necessary.
• In order to increase membership and sales, the UPHS needs to have a greater presence at swap meets, local museums, and other rail and community events. We propose that the board create a package with promotional materials, samples of merchandise, built kits etc. that can be mailed to people who will attend events on behalf of the UPHS so that they can adequately represent the organization. After the event, the volunteer can return any unused materials to the office for use by the next person.
Page updated September 12, 2012 reb