To oversee the publication of railroad related books that are published by the Union Pacific Historical Society that promote the history of the Union Pacific Railroad. This is an on-going committee.
Committee Members:
- Larry Hochhalter – Chairperson
Publications Report, July 10, 2013:
These are the positions of our 42 publications relative to the information I have received.
UP Time Table book: We have sold 967 books with cash receipts of $18,229 .82. That ‘s $2,110.29 above cash flow breakeven. We sold 12 books in 2009, eight in 2010 and two in 2011, but 23 since it is priced at $10. We started out with 2,500 books, but some have been given away, and so the exact number of saleable copies left in inventory is unknown.
UP Caboose book: We have sold 750 book s direct and 1,124 to dealers, with cash receipts of $63,483.83. That’s a total of 1,874 books sold and $11,090.83 above cash flow breakeven. 3,000 copies were printed. we·ve sold 52 since the North Platte convention.
Ogden Rails book: We have sold 558 books direct and 613 to dealers, with cash receipts of $40,694.97. That’s a total of 1,171 books sold, with 52 sold since the North Platte convention .we· re $2,062.97 above cash flow breakeven. 2,000 copies were printed.
When all three of these major publications are taken in total consideration, we are $15,264.09 above cash flow breakeven.
M-10000 book: Released at the North Platte convention, we have sold 705 books, 354 direct and 351 to dealers. Sales total $34,734.50. Based on the expense figures I received, we are $2,114.50 above cash flow breakeven. We had 1,500 books printed.
Steam Locomotive booklets: We have sold 13,383 booklets, with cash receipts totaling $220,263.50, or all of the publishing costs of the first 31+ Volumes. Total sales have been 6,910 direct and 6,473 to dealers. 705 booklets have been sold on the web, including six sets of the 38 offered for $380, the last on June 28. Since the last report, we have sold 231 steam booklets totaling $2,937.60.
Total book sales for these 42 books total $377,406.62. While we have a lot of money tied up in inventory. the loco books as a total are about $37,447 below cash flow breakeven. All the books together are about $20,073 below breakeven.
Volumes 1, 2 and 3 on the 0-6-0s, 4 and 5 on the 4-8-4s, 6 on the compound 2-8-8-0s, 37 on the Challengers, and 38 on the Big Boys have exceeded cash flow breakeven. When considering the profits on these eight booklets relative to the shortfall on the other booklets, all of the expense on the shortage of Volumes 7 through 19 is recovered. The major shortage exists on Volumes 22 thru 33, covering the 2-8-0s ($10,527) and 2-8-2s ($13.759), to al of $24,286. Even with the reduced price, very few of these two series have sold. The last five Volumes of 34 thru 38, which should be big sellers, are above cash flow breakeven only $726.
This report does not include any of the sales of the three other books we are offering on the website, those being Jim’s Nebraska Depot and Facilities book, Sandy’s Steam Locomotive History book, and my Turbine book, both in hardcover and softcover. All have sold numerous copies, and have made profit for the UPHS.
We have had only one dealer order for the steam booklets since the price was reduced. It was on March 26 and was a foreign order.
While we have no definite plans for further books at this time, the discussion on whether to do Jim’s motor car book needs to happen. I can continue to be publication’s chairman as long as the board wants, but I think that discussion should take place as to who will handle the bookkeeping records in the near immediate future.
Thomas R. Lee, Publications Chairman
Editor Note: The UPHS Board of Directors did meet with Jim Ehernberger recently and are looking closely at publishing Jim’s UP Motorcar book. More news in the future as information becomes available.
Updated on September 12, 2013 reb