Union Pacific Historical Society
July 2013 Board of Directors meeting
Business Managers Report
In July of 2013 our program showed 1945 members. There were 1023 Regular, 790 Sustaining, 64 International regular and 56 International Sustaining. Previously I reported 1058 Regular, 785 sustaining, 60 International Regular and 70 International Sustaining. We have a decrease of 40 members. There are 34 dealers for the Streamliner. We currently have 25 comp issues going out.
Jay Lewis again has worked the west coast shows for us and sold some merchandise. Also Andy Kirol has moved some of our books for the society. At the time of this report Ron Brozanic and John Bush received a sizable shipment from me to work an Omaha show.
The mass email notification system continues to reduce our mailing of renewals a bit.
The phone/ internet services with Optimum cable are installed and other than a minor glitch or two that was resolved, all is going well and we are still currently paying approximately $30-40 a month less than with Century Link.
Hilding set up a separate access to our charge account so my charges would be separated out from the internet.
As you have heard, our storage car over at the Steam Shop was moved and several cases of back issues are scattered all about and shelving knocked over with differing stages of disrepair. More work to consider as we have a large inventory of magazines there and also pallets of timetables.
Now, our office lease expires on October 1st of this year. I talked with Diane at Crown Realty about a new long term contract. I asked her about a 5 year lease agreement. I received it from here and this will have to be discussed and acted on at our meeting. The current/past lease here was $1250 a month. The new lease for 5 years would run $1298 a month or $48 a month more which is $576 more a year. I ran across a cheaper rental in Cheyenne with approximately the same floor space but unfortunately it was rented the day before I called the landlord with a question. So far other rentals in Cheyenne that run less do not include the utilities and trash pickup and more amenities.
Robert Krieger
UPHS Business Manager
Cheyenne, WY